2017 – 2018

Rivendell Boromir ( Sold )
Boromir is an unbelievably well-proportioned and striking chestnut colt. He is by the stallion Rivendell Beregond.

Rivendell Faramir ( Sold )
Faramir is a special chestnut colt with special parentage. He is by Florimon out of Dageraad Blossom whom I

Rivendell Freeda ( Sold )
Freeda is not the tallest filly, but she can move! By imported frozen semen of the stallion Diamonit out

Rivendell Frodo ( Sold )
Frodo is the first grey son of Florimon. He is out of the grey mare Rivendell Galadriel. Galadriel is

Rivendell Quickbeam
Quickbeam is a very elegant, beautiful filly by imported frozen semen of the stallion Sir Donnerhall, out of imported mare

Rivendell Samwise ( Sold )
Samwise is a reincarnation of his sire Rivendell Sirandipity. With the track record of the other offspring of both

Rivendell Theoden ( Sold )
Theoden is the last offspring of the imported Belgium stallion Titanic. Titanic was one of the best showjumping stallions