2010 – 2011

Rivendell Beregond
Beregond was imported in utero from Germany. He has grown into a magnificent young colt and we have high

Rivendell Cyclone
Cyclone is a very tall, yet strong horse with very good conformation and a very clear mind. With the

Rivendell Quicksilver
Quicksilver was the last foal of the legendary Hannoverian mare Greta. Last but certainly not least, with Quicksilver being

Rivendell Shaman
Rivendell Shaman, renamed Goldmark Apollo, is by Rivendell Saruman, whose bloodline is a very modern one suitable for both dressage

Rivendell Suprema
Suprema was the most beautiful filly, hence the name. She is still beautiful, but might not be big enough
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